Shir - Israel

Choreographed by Israel Shiker - 1990

Circle, hands in V-position. Meter 2/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-2 Facing center, step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot behind R foot (2), step on R foot in place (&).
2 Repeat measure 1 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
3 Step on R foot in front of L foot (1),step on L foot in place (&), make a two-step turn to R and end up facing center (2&).
4 1-2 Turn to face LOD and step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (2), step forward on R foot (&).
5 1-2 Step forward on L foot and turn to face center (1), Sway on R foot to R (2), sway on L foot to L (&).
6 1-2 Step on R foot across L foot (1), hold (&), step on L foot across R foot (2), hold (&).
7 1-2 Step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot in place (&), step on R foot in front of L foot (2), step on L foot in place (&)
8 1-2 Make a three-step turn to R, and end up facing center (1&2), step on L foot across R foot (&).
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8
Part II
1 1-2 Facing center, step forward on R foot (1), step forward on L foot (&), step forward on R foot (2), brush L foot forward (&).
2 1-2 Step back on L foot (1), close R foot to L foot (&), step onto L foot across R foot, turning to face LOD (2), brush R foot forward (&).
3 1-2 Step on R foot to R (1), step on L foot behind R foot (&), step on R foot to R (2), step on L foot across R foot (&).
4 1-2 Step on R foot to R, turning to face center (1), step on L foot next to R foot (&), step forward on R foot (2), hold (&).
5 1-2 Step back onto L foot (1), close R foot to L foot (&), step forward on L foot (2), pivot L to face out of circle (&).
6 1-4 Repeat measure 5 with opposite footwork and pivoting to R instead of L. End up facing center. Note: During measures 5 & 6, most people drop hands. In San Francisco, some groups leave hands joined and bring the arms up, over the head and down to accomodate the pivots.
7 Repeat measure 5 without the pivot.
8 1-2 Step on R foot across L foot (1), step back on L foot (&), step on R foot to side (2), step on R foot in front of L foot (&). [Box step].
9-16 Repeat measures 1-8.